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How to add custom link or button to SonataAdminBundle Dashboard in Symfony2

I am new with symfony2 and SonataAdminBundle.

I have added 3 entities to the SonataAdminBundle Dashboard and they appear successfully.

The Entities appear with the default links - "Add new" and "List" buttons.

I want to be able to do the following

  1. I want to add a third link to one of the entities on the dashboard.
  2. I want to be able to add a link to the buttons located above the grid in the default list page.
  3. I want to be able to add/customize links appearing under the form on Edit or Create new page

I have not been able to find a way to do any of the above, been searching for hours, any help will be highly appreciated.



  • To display custom elements in the dashbord Sonata Admin uses Sonata Block Bundle. To add custom link or button you need to create a new block using Sonata Block Bundle. The core template (dashboard.html.twig) of the Admin Bundle iterates blocks that is configured to run (in config.yml of the application). Still, Admin Bundle iterates all your entity blocks in the template block_admin_list.html.twig. Creating your custom block template it is from here that you can take layout to wrap your custom groups (sections) and buttons so they have same feel as those of the entities groups.

    Ok, it was introduction.

    For example we want to make custom newsletter section.

    There are steps:

    1. create new block class that implements BlockBundleInterface
    2. create new block template
    3. create block service (read and understand what are services in Symfony 2 library)
    4. add newly created service to Sonata Block Bundle configuration
    5. add newly created service to Sonata Admin Bundle configuration
    6. enter dashboard and enjoy new group/button/link/whatever-stuff-you-put-in-your-block-template :)

    Ad1) Create new block class

    General instruction under:

    My file looks like this:

    namespace InstitutoStorico\Bundle\NewsletterBundle\Block;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
    use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
    use Sonata\AdminBundle\Validator\ErrorElement;
    use Sonata\BlockBundle\Model\BlockInterface;
    use Sonata\BlockBundle\Block\BaseBlockService;
    class NewsletterBlockService extends BaseBlockService
        public function getName()
            return 'My Newsletter';
        public function getDefaultSettings()
            return array();
        public function validateBlock(ErrorElement $errorElement, BlockInterface $block)
        public function buildEditForm(FormMapper $formMapper, BlockInterface $block)
        public function execute(BlockInterface $block, Response $response = null)
            // merge settings
            $settings = array_merge($this->getDefaultSettings(), $block->getSettings());
            return $this->renderResponse('InstitutoStoricoNewsletterBundle:Block:block_my_newsletter.html.twig', array(
                'block'     => $block,
                'settings'  => $settings
                ), $response);

    I added some lines reading Sonata Media Bundle code files.

    Ad2) Create new block template

    Layout I took from block_admin_list.html.twig of Sonata Admin bundle.

    My file looks like this:

    {% extends 'SonataBlockBundle:Block:block_base.html.twig' %}
    {% block block %}
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped sonata-ba-list">
                <th colspan="3">Newsletter - inviare</th>
                    <div class="btn-group" align="center">
                        <a class="btn btn-small" href="#">Servizio Newsletter</a>
    {% endblock %}

    Ad3) Create block service

    In your bundle there's a file where you declare services (services.yml or admin.yml). Whatever. But it's important that it is plugged into config.yml of your application in "imports" section.

    My service declaration looks like this:

        class: InstitutoStorico\Bundle\NewsletterBundle\Block\NewsletterBlockService
        arguments: [ "sonata.block.service.newsletter", @templating ]
            - { name: sonata.block }

    Ad4) Add newly created service to Sonata Block Bundle configuration

    This configuration is put into config.yml of your application.

    My config looks like this:

    #Sonata Block Bundle
        default_contexts: [cms]
                contexts:   [admin]
            sonata.block.service.text: ~
            sonata.block.service.action: ~
            sonata.block.service.rss: ~
            sonata.block.service.newsletter: ~

    Ad5) Add newly created service to Sonata Admin Bundle configuration

    This configuration is put into config.yml of your application.

    My config looks like this:

    # Sonata Admin Generator
                # display a dashboard block
                - { position: left, type: sonata.admin.block.admin_list }
                - { position: left, type: sonata.block.service.newsletter}

    Ad6) Enter dashboard and enjoy

    That's all. Looks like complicated, but to be sincere it is not so much. It's important it's a clean way of modifying your dashboard page without overriding whole templates without great need. All those Il learned reading source code of Admin Bundle :) Whole day