I have an Angular app that uses Full Calendar. I have a Full Calendar custom button that when a user clicks, should open a Angular Bootstrap Datepicker. I'm currently toggling CSS visibility but for some reason, the date picker doesn't display (after clicking the button) unless I resize the window.
My template:
<div id="cal-go-to-date" ng-style="goToDate.style">
<div uib-datepicker ng-model="goToDate.dt" class="well well-sm" datepicker-options="goToDate.options"></div>
My Angular controller:
$scope.uiConfig = {
calendar: {
// Other configuration
header: {
center: 'title'
customButtons: {
goToDate: {
text: 'go to date',
click: function(event) {
$scope.goToDate.style.visibility = 'visible';
// Other configuration
$scope.goToDate = {
dt: new Date(),
options: {
datepickerMode: 'month',
minMode: 'month'
style: {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': '224px',
'left': '76px',
'min-height': '290px',
'z-index': '99999',
'visibility': 'hidden'
I am calling $scope.goToDate.style.visibility = 'visible';
but that doesn't work unless I resize the window. What can I do to toggle the visibility of the picker?
Try wrapping the call with $applyAsync
$scope.$applyAsync(function(){ $scope.goToDate.style.visibility = 'visible'; });
since it looks like this happens outside of angularjs scope.