I have a problem with jquery swiperight and swipeleft gestures.
I have two slideshows, first one is Bootstrap Carousel and second one is inspiration from w3school.
I found good solution for Bootstrap somewhere on this page. Here is the code. It works perfect.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".carousel").swiperight(function() {
$(".carousel").swipeleft(function() {
but if I want this code include and modificate to code from w3school it won't work. So I tried something like this (It won't work in codepen I don't know why..)
$( ".news-slide-content-img" ).on( "swipeleft", swipeleftHandler );
$( ".news-slide-content-img" ).on( "swiperight", swiperightHandler );
function swipeleftHandler( ){
plusSlides(1).css('display', 'block');
function swiperightHandler( ){
plusSlides(-1).css('display', 'none');
If I swipe it it swipe more images than one.
Any ideas how to solve this gesture problem?
Here is codepen
It is just a matter of jquery version. Using the documentation of the function swipeleft and swiperight, these versions of jquery solve the issue:
<script src="//code.jquery.com/mobile/1.5.0-alpha.1/jquery.mobile-1.5.0-alpha.1.min.js"></script>
However, you also have a typo in the function swipeleftHandler
and swipeleftHandler
; you can consider these changes:
function swipeleftHandler( ){
function swiperightHandler( ){
You can have a look at this working snippet : https://codepen.io/edkeveked/pen/ypyJJX