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Is 'worklight.db' used for Android apps for persisting cookies?

In a MobileFirst app I can see from JS code inside "worklight.js" that my app is using a SQLite file to store cookies.

However, from Chrome inspector I cannot find this file.

I am using IBM MobileFirst for Android and iOS apps.

        // The database file is in the application storage
        // directory
        var folder = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory;
        var dbFile = folder.resolvePath("worklight.db");

        try {
        } catch (e) {
            WL.Logger.error("Error opening cookies DB: " + e.message + ", Details: " + e.details);

However, this code is inside object called AirCookiePersister

I want to encrypt the SQLite file on Android devices.

Code is found at:



  • The code you point to is only applicable for Adobe Air apps and not for Android & iOS. So, cookies won't be stored in worklight.db.