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ExtJS 4 and display PDF from BLOB

I try to display PDF stream in separate window and this stream is from database BLOB field. My code is the following:

Ext.define('MyApp.view.ViewPDF', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias: 'widget.mywindow',

    requires: [

    config: {
        title: '',
        source: ''

    itemId:    'SHOW_PDF',
    closable:  false,
    resizable: true,
    modal:     true,

    onClose: function (clsbtn) {

    initComponent: function () {
        var my = this;

        Ext.apply(my, {
            items: [
                    xtype:  'panel',
                    layout: 'fit',
                    width:  640,
                    height: 780,
                    items: [
                            items: {
                                xtype:  'component',
                                align:  'stretch',
                                autoEl: {
                                    tag:      'iframe',
                                    loadMask: 'Creating report...please wait!',
                                    style:    'height: 100%; width: 100%; border: none',
                                    src:      'data:application/pdf;base64,' + tutaj.getSource()
            dockedItems: [
                            xtype:  'toolbar',
                            dock:   'bottom',
                            height: 30,
                            items: [
                                    xtype:   'button',
                                    baseCls: 'x-btn-default-large',
                                    cls:     'cap-btn',
                                    handler: my.onClose,
                                    width:   55,
                                    margin:  '0, 10, 0, 0',
                                    style:   'text-align: center',
                                    text:    'Close'
        my.title = my.getTitle();

and it's working only via FireFox browser. In Chrome I can see empty window. So two questions (can't answer myself):

  1. how to correct above to display this PDF stream in other browsers

  2. how to display text in mask because loadMask in code above can't work; just display text starting with window open and finishing when PDF is displayed

Be so kind as to prompt me what's wrong in this code.


  • I have created a FIDDLE using filefield, BLOB and FileReader. I have tested in chrome and Fire Fox. I hope this FIDDLE will help you or guid you to solve your problem.


    Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        height: window.innerHeight,
        title: 'Iframe Example for PDF',
        bodyPadding: 10,
        items: [{
            xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
            buttonOnly: true,
            buttonText: 'Choose PDF and show via BLOB',
            listeners: {
                afterrender: function (cmp) {
                        accept: '.pdf'
                change: function (f) {
                    var file = document.getElementById([0];
        }, {
            xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
            buttonOnly: true,
            buttonText: 'Choose PDF and show via BASE64 ',
            listeners: {
                afterrender: function (cmp) {
                        accept: '.pdf'
                change: function (f) {
                    var file = document.getElementById([0];
        }, {
            xtype: 'box',
            autoEl: {
                tag: 'iframe',
                loadMask: 'Creating report...please wait!',
                width: '100%',
                height: '100%'
        //Show pdf file using BLOB and createObjectURL
        doSetPDF: function (file) {
            if (file) {
                var form = this,
                    blob, file;
                if (Ext.isIE) {
                } else {
                    blob = new Blob([file], {
                            type: 'application/pdf'
                        file = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                    form.getEl().query('iframe')[0].src = file;
        //Show pdf file using BASE64
        doSetViaBase64: function (file) {
            var form = this,
                reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = function () {
                form.getEl().query('iframe')[0].src = this.result;
            reader.onerror = function (error) {
                console.log('Error: ', error);