I'm using ActiveModelSerializers 0.10.2. - When I Deserializer my params, I'm unable to get my relationships to show up. I have a POST request with the payload:
"data": {
"type": "project_toolbox_talks",
"attributes": {
"date": "2017-12-11"
"relationships": {
"attendees": {
"data": [
"type": "atendees",
"id": "559ff2c9-beb6-47cd-9757-66104617403b"
"projects": {
"data": {
"type": "projects",
"id": "d9b28ffd-6f30-4dd0-a227-720caa9b881e"
My Serializer for ProjectToolboxTalks is:
module API
module V1
class ProjectToolboxTalkSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :date
has_one :toolbox_talk
has_one :superintendent
has_one :project
has_many :attendees
has_many :project_toolbox_talk_users
In my controller when I call:
params, only: [:date, :attendees, :projects]
the only thing that is returned is {:date=>"2017-12-11"}
Why are my attendees
or projects
relationships not being returned?
ActiveModelSerializers 0.10.2 + Rails 5.1.2 + Ruby 2.4.2
The key 'relationships' needs to be inside the first 'data'.