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Firebase gets undefined from reducer, but state from reducer logs as a boolean

I have a simple Switch component that toggles back and forth between true and false. I've wired it up in my actions to Set this boolean in a table in Firebase. Firebase says that 'first argument contains undefined in property'. However, when I log that specific prop, I can see that it logs as true and false as I switch it. The prop is 'sold'. All other props are Set just fine.

Here's the action creator that tries to Set to Firebase:

export const entrySave = ({ make, model, year, uid, image, sold }) => {
   const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();

   return (dispatch) => {
      .set({ make, model, year, image, sold })
         .then(() => {
            dispatch({ type: ENTRY_SAVE_SUCCESS });
         Actions.main({ type: 'reset' });

Here's the action creator that updates the change of this.props.sold:

export const entryUpdate = ({ prop, value }) => {
return {
payload: { prop, value }


Here's the Switch:

//both logging 'this.props.sold' and the redux debugger show that 
//this.props.sold is toggling between true and false
return (
    <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'center', height: 66 }}>
        <Text style={styles.switchLabelStyle}>Mark As Sold</Text>
      <View style={{ paddingRight: 20 }}>
          onValueChange={value => this.props.entryUpdate({ prop: 
             'sold', value })}

And lower down:

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
   const { make, model, year, sold } = state.entryForm;

   return { make, model, year, sold };

export default connect(mapStateToProps, { entryUpdate })(EmployeeForm);

And here's the reducer:

 const INITIAL_STATE = {
   make: '',
   model: '',
   year: '',
   image: '',
   sold: false,
   uid: '',
   loading: false;

export default (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
   switch (action.type) {
     case ENTRY_UPDATE:
       return { ...state, [action.payload.prop]: action.payload.value };
     case ENTRY_CREATE:
       return INITIAL_STATE;
       return INITIAL_STATE;
     case ENTRY_CLEAR:
       return INITIAL_STATE;

Anyone see what I'm missing? Thanks in advance!


  • Silly me...I forgot to include 'sold' as a prop in the parent component's mapStateToProps function.

    const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
      const { make, model, year, image, sold } = state.entryForm;
      return { make, model, year, image, sold };