I have written a small application with Node/Express Js who just watch change in a folder and when a csv file is paste, the node js app read the csv file and insert some request in my database.
I work in local system but i need to start this small server on my ovh website But i can't launch node server.js on my ovh website
Do you have any idea ? Thanks
what kind of OVH server hosting do you have ?
Is it web hosting ? In that case, you can only do PHP, Perl, C and Python (http://pro.ovh.net/infos/). So you can't have a NodeJS app. Basically, if you deploy your website with FTP credentials given by OVH, then you are mostly on a Web hosting server.
For example, the following OVH offers are web hosting:
But if you have a VPS (it gives you full root acces), you can do any linux command you want, just like you do on your local machine. Basically, you have a VPS when you have a ful root access : you can SSH into your server and do command like apt-get update && apt-get install nodejs
For example, the following OVH offers are VPS hosting:
Same as VPS