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Is SpotBugs reporting a false positive on not closing a resource here?

I have code like this:

public static MyObject forId(long myObjectId, Connection cxn) throws SQLException {
    try (PreparedStatement stmt = cxn.prepareStatement(selectMyObjectById))) {
        stmt.setLong(1, myObjectId);
        try (ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery()) {
            return MyObject.fromResultSet(res);

which SpotBugs identifies as OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION for the JDBC Statement object. Is this a false positive? My impression is that try-with-resources will ensure these resources get closed properly in all cases.


  • Your ResultSet and PreparedStatement are protected as you rightly state.

    If your Connection is also appropriately handled in the relevant scope then yes, it is a false positive.