Search code examples

WebStorm is ignoring some files contained in project folder

from time to time WebStorm ignores some files that are inside project folder when I am trying to search for them through Ctrl + Shift + N (search file function).

Here is picture: enter image description here

I am trying to search file edit-driver-license.html. As you can see, this file is really there so WebStorm should find it.

When I go to native windows file explorer and move the file into another folder and then back, WebStorm refreshes project structure and find the file. So problem solved.

But when I restart WebStorm, everything will be like before and the file will not be able to be found...

Is there any solution for this? Like, is there some ignore file list, or is this just a bug? This is not the first time it happened. I had same issues earlier, but I fixed it by restarting WebStorm.


  • This happens to me too from time to time, and it's a caching problem.

    Usually it gets fixed when I go to File -> Invalidade Cache/Restart -> Invalidate and Restart

    Attention: Please read the warning before invalidating the cache: it'll also clean your Local History.

    Try it, should work.