I'm new working with spark. I would like to multiply a large number of columns of a spark dataframe by values in a vector. So far with mtcars I used a for loop and mutate_at as follows:
sc1 <- spark_connect(master = "local")
mtcars_sp = sdf_copy_to(sc1, mtcars, overwrite = TRUE)
mtcars_cols = colnames(mtcars_sp)
mtc_factors = 0:10 / 10
# mutate 1 col at a time
for (i in 1:length(mtcars_cols)) {
# set equation and print - use sym() convert a string
mtcars_eq = quo( UQ(sym(mtcars_cols[i])) * mtc_factors[i])
# mutate formula - LHS resolves to a string, RHS a quosure
mtcars_sp = mtcars_sp %>%
mutate(!!mtcars_cols[i] := !!mtcars_eq )
This works ok with mtcars. However, it results in nested SQL queries being sent to spark, as shown by the sql_render, and breaks down with many columns. Can dplyr be used to instead send a single SQL query in this case?
BTW, I'd rather not transpose the data as it would be too expensive. Any help would be much appreciated!
In general you can use great answer by Artem Sokolov
mtcars_sp %>%
mutate(!!! setNames(glue("{mtcars_cols} * {mtc_factors}"), mtcars_cols) %>%
However if this is input for MLlib algorithms then ft_vector_assembler
combined with ft_elementwise_product
might be a better fit:
scaled <- mtcars_sp %>%
ft_vector_assembler(mtcars_cols, "features") %>%
ft_elementwise_product("features", "features_scaled", mtc_factors)
The result can be separated (I wouldn't recommend that if you're going with MLlib) into individual columns with sdf_separate_column
scaled %>%
select(features_scaled) %>%
sdf_separate_column("features_scaled", mtcars_cols)