I faced a strange issue. I can't parse String value to LocalDate. The problem is that in runtime I paused at breakpoint and execute parsing in evaluate expression tool and it works. But then I continue application and I get an exception with next clause:
Caused by: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '-218906870-0-9088-15635' could not be parsed at index 11 at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved0(DateTimeFormatter.java:1949) at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(DateTimeFormatter.java:1851) at java.time.LocalDate.parse(LocalDate.java:400) at com.library.controller.CrudController.returnBook(CrudController.java:96) ... 55 more
My code is here
LocalDate date = returnDatePicker.getValue();
Journal item = (Journal) tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if(date != null && item != null) {
LocalDate itemDate = LocalDate.parse(item.getStartDate().toString());
if (date.isAfter(itemDate)) {
Date in String value looks like "2017-12-30".
A few screenshots:
How is it even possible? It works in evaluate, and doesn't in runtime. I would really appreciate if you give me a few hints.
Casting a java.util.Date
to a String
and then parsing that string into a LocalDate
might not be the best way to convert a Date
into a LocalDate
Try the following (explained in more detail here) and see if that fixes your problem:
Date startDate = item.getStartDate();
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault(); // Or ZoneId.of( "Europe/Moscow" ) etc.
LocalDate itemDate = startDate.toInstant().atZone( zoneId ).toLocalDate();