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How can i iterate through if statement with condition if (i < current Subject nodes inside xml file ) then display data for each

Here is my current code which outputs the modules in 1 single input textbox.

XElement root = XElement.Load("Data.xml");
            var subjects = from subject in root.Descendants()
                          where subject.Name.LocalName.Contains("Subject")
                          select new
                              subname = subject.Element("subjectName").Value,
                              subid = subject.Element("subjectId").Value,
                              subvalue = subject.Element("subjectvalue").Value

            foreach (var subject in subjects)
                //you can use subject like this:
                string subName = subject.subname;
                string subID = subject.subid;
                string subValue = subject.subvalue;
                TextBox[] info = new TextBox[6];

                textBox1.AppendText("Subject Name :  " + subName + "  Subject Id :  " + subID + "  Subject Value :  " + subValue + " " );

How can i alter this code so that i dynamically create a inputtextbox depending on how many tags currently existing inside my xml file.

here is some code i tried :

 foreach (var subject in subjects)
                subname = subject.Element("subjectName").Value,
                subid = subject.Element("subjectId").Value,
                subvalue = subject.Element("subjectvalue").Value

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                info[i] = new TextBox();
                info[i].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 114 + i * 25);
                info[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 15);
                info[i].Text = @"";

                info[i].AppendText("Subject Name :  " + subName + "  Subject 
                Id :  " + subID + "  Subject Value :  " + subValue + " " );

however this code displays the same data on both the dynamically created inputbox field. How can I make it so that the if condition is something like if (i < current Subject nodes inside xml file ) then iterate through them displaying each data into a dymaically created input textbox.

here is how my xml file looks like :



  • As per above explanation, try this:

        int y = 114;
        foreach (var subject in subjects)
                subname = subject.Element("subjectName").Value,
                subid = subject.Element("subjectId").Value,
                subvalue = subject.Element("subjectvalue").Value
                TextBox box = new TextBox();
                box.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, y);
                box.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 15);
                box.Text = @"Subject Name :  " + subName + "  Subject Id :  " + subID + "  Subject Value :  " + subValue + " ";
                y += 25;