I have to save multiple strings that are stored in different variables separated by token to binary file and then read it. I did it with fprintf and everything works (but since it's ASCII it's not what i need) i have to do it with fwrite and i don't know how.
fprintf(f,"%s|%s|%d|%d|", guessWord, currentWord, wordlength, errors);
token separating the words is | i tried to use struct but it's either wrong or i messed up
struct savetofile
char sguessWord[20];
char filler;
char scurrentWord[20];
char filler2;
int swordlength;
char filler3;
int serrors;
char filler4;
struct savetofile savetofile_1 = {guessWord,'|',currentWord,'|',wordlength,'|',errors,'|'};
here's how i wrote the fread and use the saved values
n2 = fread(c2, 1, 50000, f);
c2[n2] = '\0';
char *token = strtok(c2, "|");
char *words[200] = {0};
int i = 0;
while(token != NULL)
words[i] = malloc(strlen(token)+1);
token = strtok(NULL, "|");
strcpy(guessWord, words[0]);
strcpy(currentWord, words[1]);
int temp;
temp = atoi(words[2]);
wordlength = temp;
int temp2;
temp2 = atoi(words[3]);
errors = temp2;
As you mentioned, you wanted to store it in a binary file, below code is one example. This may not be exact answer for you, but i'm sure will help as reference
int main ()
char guessWord[20] = "abcd";
char currentWord[20] = "qwert";
struct savetofile savetofile_1 , savetofile_2;
memset(&savetofile_1,0, sizeof(savetofile_1)); //initializes the memory location 0
memset(&savetofile_2,0, sizeof(savetofile_2));
strcpy(savetofile_1.sguessWord, guessWord );
strcpy(savetofile_1.scurrentWord, currentWord );
savetofile_1.swordlength =20;
savetofile_1.serrors = 3;
savetofile_1.filler ='|';
savetofile_1.filler2 ='|';
savetofile_1.filler3 ='|';
savetofile_1.filler4 ='|';
f = fopen( "file.bin" , "wb" ); //Creates in binary format, Also note file name *.bin
if(f != NULL)
fclose(f); //Saves the file
f = fopen( "file.bin" , "rb" ); //Opens in binary readmode
if(f != NULL)
fread(&savetofile_2, sizeof(savetofile_2), 1, f); //Reading the structure as is
printf(" %s -- %s -- %d -- %d \n", savetofile_2.scurrentWord,savetofile_2.sguessWord,
savetofile_2.swordlength, savetofile_2.serrors);
return 0;