Search code examples Could not create WebRTC answer

Im using ejabberd + to make a realtime messaging website, everything is working perfectly. now im willing to implement Webrtc audio/video using the jingle protocole. this is my JS code that i use to connect:

var client = XMPP.createClient({
  jid: xmpp_user+'@'+XMPP_DOMAIN,
  password: cu.auth.user_password,
  transport: 'websocket',
  wsURL: "ws://"+xms+":5280/websocket/"

client.jingle.config.debug = true;

client.on('session:started', function () {
  client.getRoster(function (err, resp) {
      caps: client.disco.caps


the problem is when i call the user from an other app (AstraChat: iOS app that support Jingle) i get this in browser log:

Jingle: 67bzrsog243: session-initiate undefined undefined
Jingle: 67bzrsog243: Could not create WebRTC answer undefined undefined

this is the xml that astrachat is sending:

<iq xmlns='jabber:client' xml:lang='en' to='' from='' type='get' id='3e8kjajc22'><query xmlns=''/></iq>
<r xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:3'/>
<a h='1' xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:3'/>
<a h='2' xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:3'/>
<iq xmlns='jabber:client' xml:lang='en' to='' from='' type='set' id='3e8kjajc23'><jingle xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:1' action='session-initiate' initiator='' responder='' sid='3e8kjajc24'><content creator='initiator' name='voice'><description xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1' media='audio'><payload-type id='101' name='speex' clockrate='8000'/></description><transport xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1' pwd='TC5NsD6IEQGXeDO8d5/3OU' ufrag='yA0z'/></content></jingle></iq>
<r xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:3'/>
Jingle: 3e8kjajc24: session-initiate undefined undefined
Could not create WebRTC answer undefined undefined

i really have no clue on how to fix that, any help will be appreciated.


  • the session-initiate from Astra chat is this according to your logs: <iq xmlns="jabber:client" xml:lang="en" to="" from="" type="set" id="3e8kjajc23"> <jingle xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:1" action="session-initiate" initiator="" responder="" sid="3e8kjajc24"> <content creator="initiator" name="voice"> <description xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1" media="audio"> <payload-type id="101" name="speex" clockrate="8000" /> </description> <transport xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1" pwd="TC5NsD6IEQGXeDO8d5/3OU" ufrag="yA0z" /> </content> </jingle> </iq> which only offers the speex audio codec that WebRTC does not support (opus or G.711 are mandatory). Also there is no encryption which is mandatory in WebRTC.