I have read the thread, Cant read variable, isnt array, and I think may be related somehow, but I can't figure out how. In the following TCL snippet, a three dimensional array ::stream is tested and a value is read. The array contains a scalar ID value. The last line in the snippet creates an error that says
can't set "::streamId(1,10,1)": variable isn't array
while executing
"set ::streamId($chas,$card,$port) $nextId"
(procedure "getNextStreamId" line 28)
I interpret this as meaning $nextId is something other than a scalar and it can't be put into a 3 dimensional array of scalars. Is my interpretation of the error incorrect? I was pretty confident that the array holds scalar values, so I started to think maybe there is some data safety issue here.
# get current streamId
if { [ catch {info exists $::streamId($chas,$card,$port)} ] == 0 } {
if {$::testEnv(verbose) >= $verbLevel} {
logInfo [getProcName] "pre-existing streamId found for: \
\n dutAndPort: $dutAndPort \
\n ixiaPort: {$chas $card $port}\
\n streamId: $::streamId($chas,$card,$port) \
\n incrementing to next one..."
set nextId [ mpexpr $::streamId($chas,$card,$port) + 1 ]
} else {
if {$::testEnv(verbose) >= 0} {
logInfo [getProcName] "No pre-existing streamId found for: \
\n\t dutAndPort: $dutAndPort \
\n\t ixiaPort: {$chas $card $port}\
\n\t setting to 1"
set nextId 1
set curId [ mpexpr $nextId - 1 ]
set ::streamId($chas,$card,$port) $nextId
In your code, I guess you wanted to check if the array ::streamId
has the index $chas,$card,$port
info exists $::streamId($chas,$card,$port)
which is incorrect. You should use
info exists ::streamId($chas,$card,$port)
i.e. without dollar sign. Then only the if loop can ensure the existence of the index $chas,$card,$port
Then, at last you are trying to set the value of the index $chas,$card,$port
to $nextId
set ::streamId($chas,$card,$port) $nextId
which is incoorect, because it kept outside the if loop of variable existence check of the index $chas,$card,$port
Then the actual error message is referring the fact that there is a scalar variable named streamId
% set ::streamId 1
% set ::streamId(1,10,1) 20
can't set "::streamId(1,10,1)": variable isn't array
Ensure you don't have the same variable names.