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Laravel Echo not using Auth Headers

I update the header like this:

window.setAuthToken = (token) => {
    window.Echo.options.auth.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token;

The token is set in the Laravel Echo Headers, as seen here: Console result

But it is not used, as seen here: Headers

Why is Laravel Echo not using Auth Headers?

Edit: I also tried dynamically update the endpoint like window.Echo.connector.options.authEndpoint = '';, and it is set in the options but not used by the request.

This is how I connect to the channel.

Echo.private('app.User.' + data.user_id)
    .notification((notification) => {
        dispatch('handle', notification);


  • It seems like the way to do it was pretty close to what I was trying. Solution was found here.

    Echo.connector.pusher.config.auth.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer token';