Case 1:
int i = 10;
int j = i++;
Here, first the value of i is assigned to j and than i is increased by 1.
Case 2:
int i = 10;
int j = ++i;
Here, first i is increased by 1 and than it is assigned to j.
So, If the operation of increment is done first in the prefixed form, then why postfixed has higher precedence than prefixed?
This has nothing to do with precedence.(here) In pre-increment the value that is assigned is the value before the side effect takes place. For pre increment it will be the value after the side effect.
int i = 10;
int j = i++;
Before incrementing value of i
is 10. So j=10
after these 2 statements are executed.
int i = 10;
int j = ++i;
Here the value will be 11. because incremenet is done first and then it is assigned.