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React - passing refs as a prop

I am trying to manage a checkbox with react. The following code works well enough, but I want to refactor out the code in the render method so that it uses a Component. I want to pass the ref to that component, but I cant figure out how to do it.

export default class AreRefsAwesomeCheckbox extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);

    handleInputChange() {
        let data = {
            isFeatured: this.refs.check_me.checked
        postJSON('/some/url', data);

    componentDidMount() {
        const data = getJSON('/some/url');
        data.then(object => {
                this.refs.check_me.checked = object.will_i_have_a_nice_checkbox;

    render() {
        return (
                    <input ref="check_me" type="checkbox" 
                    <div>Are refs good?</div>


I was thinking about some thing like this

const Checkbox = ({myRef, changeInput, checkboxText}) => {
    return (
            <input type="checkbox" ref={myRef} onChange={(event) => changeInput(event)}/>
            <div> {checkboxText} </div>

And then putting this snippet in the render method

<Checkbox myRef="check_me" changeInput={this.handleInputChange} checkboxText="Are refs good?"/>

This obviously doesnt work. How do I do this?


  • Pass a callback ref into the Component, like that:

    <Checkbox myRef={ref => (this.checkbox = ref)} />

    Oh, and by the way, please always use callback refs. Read more here.

    One more idea to consider for you: Move the checked value of the checkbox fully into the state of the AreRefsAwesomeCheckbox component and use a fully controlled component. That's always better than a ref with bigger predictability and less surprises.

    Full code:

    const Checkbox = ({myRef, changeInput, checkboxText}) => {
      return (
            onChange={event => changeInput(event)}
          <div> {checkboxText} </div>
    export default class AreRefsAwesomeCheckbox extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this)
      handleInputChange() {
        let data = {
          isFeatured: this.refs.check_me.checked,
        postJSON('/some/url', data)
      componentDidMount() {
        const data = getJSON('/some/url')
        data.then(object => {
          // this.checkbox is the reference to the checkbox element you need
          this.checkbox.checked = object.will_i_have_a_nice_checkbox
      render() {
        return (
              <Checkbox myRef={ref => (this.checkbox = ref)} />
              <div>Are refs good?</div>