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RestAssured - JsonPath filter a matching Object's properties from an array of objects, given a filter criteria

I am writing an integration test to my microservice using rest assured. I have a Json payload like this which is returned from it.


I need to find the id of a sessionquestion given the questionId value. Then I need to compare them in my assertion. I am having hard time fetching the id off of a sessionQuestion given the questionId value. I am using JsonPath to get this thing done. And here's my Json path expression.

new JsonPath(response).get("$.sessionQuestions[?(@.questionId=='1002')].id");

This throws an error.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JSON expression:
Script1.groovy: 1: expecting EOF, found '[' @ line 1, column 45.

1 error

   at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

I tried the same Json path expression in this online evaluator, which works fine. I am using json-path-2.9.0.jar

What I am doing wrong here? Any help is really appreciated.


  • Which version of JsonPath do you use? I use this.

    And the code which works for your case is:


    And try with this JSON:


    Edit: If you are using this dependancy (json-path-2.9.0), you have to do it like this:

    from(response).getList("sessionQuestions.findAll { it.questionId=='1002' }.id").toString();

    and you have to import from like this:

    import static com.jayway.restassured.path.json.JsonPath.from;