I am using eBay's new REST Sell API to create an inventory item. I am having problems creating product aspects manually. I've tried creating a list of name value pairs but eBay is returning the following error:
Could not serialize field [product.aspects]
Below is the request payload sample from eBay:
"availability": {
"shipToLocationAvailability": {
"quantity": 50
"condition": "NEW",
"product": {
"title": "GoPro Hero4 Helmet Cam",
"description": "New GoPro Hero4 Helmet Cam. Unopened box.",
"aspects": {
"Brand": [
"Type": [
"Storage Type": [
"Recording Definition": [
"High Definition"
"Media Format": [
"Flash Drive (SSD)"
"Optical Zoom": [
"imageUrls": [
As far as I know product aspects are not fixed and can be anything, because of this I cannot create a Class. I'm not sure how to handle this apart from manually creating the JSON and inserting it in the correct place in the request payload.
Is there a better way to do this? Maybe create a dynamic object on the fly (any examples would help)?
I ended up creating a list of an Aspect object, using an extension method to manually convert the list into JSON which I deserialize into an object and pass into the request payload to eBay.
Public Class Aspect
Property Name As String
Property Values As String()
End Class
Public Class RequestPayload
Public Property Aspects As Object
End Class
Sub Click()
Dim Payload As New RequestPayload
Payload.Aspects = (New List(Of Aspect) From {
New Aspect With {.Name = "Brand", .Values = {"GoPro"}},
New Aspect With {.Name = "Type", .Values = {"Helmet/Action"}}
End Sub
Function ToAspectsObject(Source As List(Of Aspect)) As Object
Dim Aspects As New List(Of String)
For Each Aspect In Source
Aspects.Add(String.Format("""{0}"": [{1}]", Aspect.Name, String.Join(", ", Aspect.Values.Select(Function(x) String.Format("""{0}""", x)))))
Dim JsonObject = String.Format("{{{0}}}", String.Join(", ", Aspects))
Return Json.DeserializeObject(JsonObject)
End Function