Search code examples

Alfresco bean not recognized

I have configured new multi-select button in the document library:

enter image description here

When the button is clicked it should execute javascript function onActionAddToList which later calls bean function insert. Everything works except the bean function - it is not called/recognized. Am I doing something wrong? I am wondering if I should configure bean in an other place? I'm using Alfresco 5.2.0 SDK 3.0.1 Below you can find corresponding code:

<!--  /alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions/my-extension.xml  in share-jar -->

  <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
      <action type="action-link" id="onActionAddToList" icon="document-approve" label="Add item to a list" />
  <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibCustom" replace="true">
      <js src="/components/documentlibrary/custom-documentlibrary-actions.js" />

<!--  resources/components/documentlibrary/custom-documentlibrary-actions.js in share-jar"registerAction", {
  actionName: "onActionAddToList",
  fn: function custom_onActionAddToList(record)
     Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayMessage({ title: "Info", text: listManagement.insert("Hello")});

<!-- alfresco/module/project/context/service-context.xml in platform-jar -->

  <bean id="com.test.actions.ListManagement" class="com.test.actions.ListManagement"       parent="baseJavaScriptExtension">
    <property name="extensionName" value="listManagement"/>

<!-- java/com/test/actions/ in platform-jar -->

public class ListManagement extends BaseProcessorExtension {
  public String insert(String text) {
    return text;


  • Please refer this question and refer this documentation to call javabacked actions.