I created a option pane that displays when my game ends. I am using Java swing.
How would I make a function that "quits" the game, another one that "restarts" the game, and one that adjusts a timer speed? Im not sure how to implement with Object[] options
Object[] options = { "Restart Game", "Change Game Difficulty",
"Exit Game" };
int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(gamePanel,
"GAME OVER - Your Hit Yourself and Died! ",
"Game Over!", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[2]);
From the Java Docs for JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(..)
(which I suggest you bookmark, and read carefully before asking questions on SO).
an integer indicating the option chosen by the user, or
if the user closed the dialog
Other notes:
int n = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(gamePanel,
"GAME OVER - Your Hit Yourself and Died! ",
"Game Over!", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[2]);
best to stick with the simpler OK_CANCEL_OPTION
How is this a warning? Use JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE