Is there a way to access the screen display's DPI settings in a Javascript function?
I am trying to position a HTML panel on the page and when the user's DPI is set to large (120), it throws the position off. I need to be able to know what the DPI is so I can adjust the position accordingly.
Firstly, to help with the possible (and very common) confusion with the term DPI (dots per inch):
DPI isn't exactly a part of "display settings". It's (mis)used in two different contexts:
When printing an image, there are many things that affect the final dimensions of the image on paper:
The bottom line is, the image that you're printing will effectively get resampled (reduced or enlarged) to match the final DPI that's used in the print process. Any of the parties involed may be causing this (the program, the print driver, the printer).
Now, coming back to your question. No, you can't determine the DPI of the screen, because it's not in software domain. It's a hardware domain term, describing how large a monitor a user could afford to buy. Update: I initially wrote this answer back in 2009, with my understanding of the current technologies. As @thure pointed out, you can now (since 2012?) use the window.matchMedia function to determine the DPI of the screen.
If you're trying to achieve precision in printing an HTML layout, as others have suggested, your CSS should use print dimensions like em, pt or pc instead of px. However, the final outcome might still depend on the browser using. If converting your HTML to PDF (or generating PDF from scratch) is an option for you, printing a PDF would give you the truest WYSIWYG both on screen and paper.