I want to take the user inputs through api.ai(dialog flow) chatbot and store it in MySQL database like asking the user details of name, age, contact num through chatbot and then the user details are to be stored in my database i.e.., MySQL database. After storing, at last, the chatbot should show the summary to the user for confirmation. I am able to interact and continue the conversation with my chatbot but unable to store the user's inputs.
I was searching at different places but I can't get the right process. I am comfortable with PHP to get the data from api.ai and to store in MySQL database.
Any help would be appreciated. "Thanks in Advance!"
You need to create a webhook to handle fulfillment from Dialogflow. This will be a publicly accessible URL that can take an HTTPS POST, with a JSON body. In your case, this will be your Heroku URL that you will enter into the Fulfillment tab in Dialogflow.
See https://dialogflow.com/docs/fulfillment for information about the JSON you are sent, the JSON you'll need to reply with, and other information you need to setup fulfillment.
In your PHP code - you can do whatever you want with the data being sent to you, including storing it in MySQL. You'll then send back JSON (see the above URL for the format) indicating how you want to reply to the user.