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multi-user cluster: IBM Platform LSF: user changing priority of jobs

I am user of a multi-user cluster that uses IBM Platform LSF (on Linux). I would like to change the priority of my jobs with respect to my same jobs (not the absolute priority of the jobs in the queue).

An example: I have launched 500 jobs in the queues that will take 4 days to complete, and later I would like submit another job that I would like to run before the 500 jobs that I have already submitted.


  • Couple of ways I can think of here:

    1. Use user assigned priority on your job (-sp option) when you submit it with bsub, a higher number means more important. Some notes:

      • This only works if your administrator has defined MAX_USER_PRIORITY in configuration (I can't for the life of me remember if this is set out of the box). To check if it's enabled run bparams -a | grep MAX_USER_PRIORITY, if it returns something you're good to go.
      • By default jobs have a priority of $MAX_USER_PRIORITY / 2, so if MAX_USER_PRIORITY = 100 and you've submitted 500 jobs without -sp and you want to submit one job that jumps the queue, use bsub -sp with a priority greater than 50.
    2. Another way to do it is by using btop which usually works out of the box. Basically you submit your job normally, then use btop <jobid> to move a particular job to the front of the line relative to your other jobs.

    Some links for you: