I have 2 scenes and I want to redirect from one to another on the button click. I used AssetBundle for that. Here is the code for exporting of assets:
public class ExportAssetBundles
[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle")]
static void ExportResource()
string folderName = "AssetBundles";
string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, folderName);
BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(filePath, BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.NoTarget);
And here is the code for loading:
public class RedirectToMenu : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
Button btn = GetComponent<Button>);
public void OnClick(){
Debug.Log("You have clicked the button!");
IEnumerator LoadAsset(string assetBundleName)//, string objectNameToLoad)
string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "AssetBundles");
filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(filePath, assetBundleName);
var assetBundleCreateRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(filePath);
yield return assetBundleCreateRequest;
AssetBundle asseBundle = assetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle;
So when I run my scene in Unity I get such error in console:
ArgumentException: The output path "D:/userdata/Documents/Scene1/Assets/StreamingAssets\AssetBundles" doesn't exist(at ExportAssetBundles.ExportResource () (at Assets/ExportAssetBundles.cs:16)
I have put my scenes into Assets folder:
Also, I have added them to Build settings:
So how can I fix this error and make the redirection work? Is that a code problem or some file locations problem?
Use SceneManager.LoadScene()
public static void LoadScene(int sceneBuildIndex,
SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Single);
public static void LoadScene(string sceneName,
SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode = LoadSceneMode.Single);