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Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries in DataTable

Hi I am new and i am using dataTable to display my, mysql data.So My Data are display correctly but here my dataTable footer doesn't work correctly.

Here is my code

UI_CRUD.prototype.refreshTable = function(params = {}){
    var tableBody = $('.view-datatable tbody');
    var dataUrl = this.moduleURL+'/alenter code herel';
    var title = this.moduleTitle;
    // console.log(this.moduleTitle);
    console.log('all ..');
        url: dataUrl,
        data : params,
    .done(function(data) {
        var html = '';
            $.each(data, function(index, item) {
                 html+= '<tr>';
                    $.each(item, function(index, data) {
                        (index != 'id') ? html+= '<td>'+data+'</td>' : html+=''; 
                    html+= '<td class="actions">' +
                                '<i class="icon-eye text-primary view-btn" data-id="''">'+
                                '<i class="icon-pencil7 text-primary edit-btn" data-id="''">' +
                                '<i class="icon-bin sweet_combine text-danger delete-btn" data-id="''">' +
                 html+= '</tr>';

    .fail(function(res) {
        console.error(res,'UI_CRUD ERR : ');

This is the table in blade file.

<table class="table view-datatable" id="mytable">
                <th>Company Code              </th>
                <th>Company Name              </th>
                <th>Company Address           </th>
                <th>Telephone No.             </th>
                <th>Fax No.                   </th>

                <th style="text-align: center;">Actions</th>

this is the laravel controller

public function getAll()
        $company = $this->getCompanies();
        return response()->json($company,200);

public function getCompanies()
        $company = Company::select("id", "CO_COMCODE", "CO_NAME",
            DB::raw("CONCAT(CO_ADD1, ',', CO_ADD2, ',', CO_ADD3, ',', CO_ADD4)  AS Address"),
            "CO_TELNO", "CO_FAXNO")

        return $company;

This is response json [{"id":39,"CO_COMCODE":"FFDE","CO_NAME":"dsfsdf","Address":"‌​fsdfsd,fsdf,fdsf,fsd‌​f","CO_TELNO":"12345‌​6789","CO_FAXNO":"12‌​3456789"},{"id":41,"‌​CO_COMCODE":"AAAA","‌​CO_NAME":"fdfdsf","A‌​ddress":"dsfdsf,dfds‌​f,dsffdsf,fdsfsd","C‌​O_TELNO":"123456789"‌​,"CO_FAXNO":"1234567‌​89"}]

This is My Output page

enter image description here

This is the response

JSon Response preview and JSon Response


  • After many efforts, I fixed error

    Issues was with applying dataTable plugin. After I remove that js file and add new dataTable.

    <table class="table view-datatable">
                <th>Company Code              </th>
                <th>Company Name              </th>
                <th>Company Address           </th>
                <th>Telephone No.             </th>
                <th>Fax No.                   </th>

    var table = $('.view-datatable').DataTable( {
               "processing" : true,
               "retrieve": true,
               "ajax" : {
                   "url" : ajax_url
               "columns" : [  {
                   "data" : "CO_COMCODE"
               }, {
                   "data" : "CO_NAME"
               }, {
                   "data" : "Address"
               }, {
                   "data" : "CO_TELNO"
               }, {
                   "data" : "CO_FAXNO"
               }, {
                   data: null,
                   className: "dataTable-center",
               "rowCallback": function( row, data, index ) {
                   $('td:eq(5)', row).html(
                       '<i class="icon-eye text-primary view-btn" data-id="''">'+
                       '<span>    </span>'+
                       '<i class="icon-pencil7 text-primary edit-btn" data-id="''">' +
                       '<span>    </span>'+
                       '<i class="icon-bin sweet_combine text-danger delete-btn" data-id="''">' +
               "pagingType": "full_numbers",
               buttons: {
                   buttons: [
                           extend: 'colvis',
                           className: 'btn btn-default'
                           text: 'Add New',
                           className: 'add-new btn bg-blue-800 ui-add-new',
                           action: function(e) {
                               // UI_addModel('show');
                       {extend: 'copy'},
                       // {extend: 'csv'},
                       {extend: 'excel'},
                       {extend: 'pdf'},
                       {extend: 'print'}
           } );