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How to use Windsor IoC in Core 2

How can I use Castle Windsor as an IOC instead of the default .net core IOC container?

I have built a service resolver that depends on WindsorContainer to resolve services.

Something like:

public class ServiceResolver
    private static WindsorContainer container;
    public ServiceResolver()
        container = new WindsorContainer();
        // a method to register components in container

    public IList<T> ResolveAll<T>()
        return container.ResolveAll<T>().ToList();

Can not figure out how to let my .net core 2 web API use this resolver as a replacement for IServiceCollection.


  • For others Reference In addition to the solution Nkosi provided.

    There is a nuget package called Castle.Windsor.MsDependencyInjection that will provide you with the following method:


    Which's returned type is IServiceProvider and you will not need to create you own wrapper.

    So the solution will be like:

    public class ServiceResolver{    
        private static WindsorContainer container;
        private static IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
        public ServiceResolver(IServiceCollection services) {
            container = new WindsorContainer();
            //Register your components in container
            serviceProvider = WindsorRegistrationHelper.CreateServiceProvider(container, services);
        public IServiceProvider GetServiceProvider() {
            return serviceProvider;

    and in Startup...

    public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
        // Add other framework services
        // Add custom provider
        var container = new ServiceResolver(services).GetServiceProvider();
        return container;