I load my Knockout component this way:
ko.components.register("example", {
viewModel: {require: "widgets/example"},
template: {require: "text!widgets/example.html"}
with example.js
(extremely simplified):
"use strict";
define(["knockout"], function(ko) {
function ExampleWidgetViewModel(params) {
this.editedText = ko.observable("Example");
return ExampleWidgetViewModel;
and example.html
<div id="example-dlg", data-bind="text: editedText"></div>
The component is called as usual as <example></example>
and everything works perfectly. But I want to access the DOM to remove the need of the id
in the template.
Tried the method from the documentation changing example.js
to be:
"use strict";
define(["knockout"], function(ko) {
function ExampleWidgetViewModel(params, componentInfo) {
this.editedText = ko.observable("Example");
return {createViewModel: ExampleWidgetViewModel};
But it complains that editedText
is not found. Same problem with other variations like this:
"use strict";
define(["knockout"], function(ko) {
function creaExample(params, componentInfo) {
let ExampleWidgetViewModel = (params) => {
this.editedText = ko.observable("Example");
return ExampleWidgetViewModel;
return {createViewModel: creaExample};
Could you provide a working example? Thanks!
Nothing better than asking for help to find a solution... I was wrongly calling the view model. The correct example.js
file is:
"use strict";
define(["jquery", "knockout"], function($, ko) {
function factory(params, componentInfo) {
function ViewModel() {
// To show how to access the component external div
// To show it can correctly access parameters
this.editedText = params.oneParameter;
return new ViewModel();
return {createViewModel: factory};