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VB.NET Add TabPage with Indexed Label

What are you trying to accomplish?

I want to add a TabPage to a pre-existing TabControl with a Label that has an indexed name.

    Private Sub BtnAddReport_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnAddReport.Click

    Dim rep As New OpenFileDialog
    rep.Title = "Add Report"
    rep.InitialDirectory = "C:\Customers"
    rep.FileName = ""
    rep.DefaultExt = ".html"
    rep.Filter = "HTML Documents|*.html"
    rep.Multiselect = False
    If rep.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then

        Dim newTab As TabPage = New TabPage With {.Text = Path.GetFileName(rep.FileName)}

        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To TabControl2.TabPages.Count
            Dim lbl As Label = New Label With {.Text = "Label" & i, .Location = New Point(3, 3)}

    End If

End Sub

What do you expect the result to be?

Each time the button is clicked, a new tab is added with a label named "Label1", "Label2", etc.

What is the actual result you get?

This code creates a new tabpage and adds the label, but it's always named Label1 and does not increase by 1.


  • Why do you have a For loop in there? You only want to add one Label, right? You should be creating one TabPage, creating one Label, adding the Label to the TabPage, then adding the TabPage to the TabControl.

    Dim newTab As TabPage = New TabPage With {.Text = Path.GetFileName(rep.FileName)}
    Dim lbl As Label = New Label With {.Text = "Label" & (TabControl2.TabPages.Count + 1), .Location = New Point(3, 3)}