The code below works everywhere except on safari mobile. Apparently the onchange is never triggered.
// create a hidden file input element
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
// when the input content changes, do something
input.onchange =
// upload files
// Trigger file browser;
I have found similar examples however they all refer to scenarios where there is even a form of some other visible representation of the file input and they all involve form-clearing workarounds. That wouldn't work here.
This code is being called upon clicking a picture, in order to upload a new one as a replacement.
Any hints? Anything I'm doing wrong?
I'll be damned: on iOS safari two extra conditions are necessary compared to other browsers:
1) The input must be actually appended to the DOM.
2) setting .onchange won't work: addEventListener must be used instead.