I am debuging chromium in xcode,
and config the ../chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Tool/lldb/lldb_webkit.py in ~/.lldinit file,
but it not show the string correct, it only show the length of the string,can not show the content,
so it is inconvenient for debuging, I can not see the content of the string, this problem show in the picture.
I hope the content is not empty, and show the string content currect, or is there a good way to show the content of string correct
The summary formatter code doesn't look right to me. It does:
def WTFStringImpl_SummaryProvider(valobj, dict):
provider = WTFStringImplProvider(valobj, dict)
return "{ length = %d, is8bit = %d, contents = '%s' }" % (provider.get_length(), provider.is_8bit(), provider.to_string())
where the WTFStringImplProvider.is8_bit is:
def is_8bit(self):
return self.valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('is8_bit_')
That is returning an SBValue, not an integer, so printing it with a %d format doesn't seem like the right thing to do.