void walka(Postac p, Przeciwnik e, int walkaa)
if (p.szybkosc < 0)
p.szybkosc = 0;
walkaa = p.szybkosc - e.szybkosc;
if (walkaa > 0)
cout << "Zadajesz " << p.sila << " obrażeń." << endl << endl;
e.zycie -= p.sila;
cout << "Życie: " << p.zycie << " Życie przeciwnika: " << e.zycie << endl << endl;
if (e.zycie <= 0)
cout << "Wygrałeś!" << endl;
goto koniecwalki;
walkaa -= e.szybkosc;
} while (walkaa > 0);
goto walka;
cout << "Otrzymujesz " << e.sila << " obrażeń." << endl << endl;
p.zycie -= e.sila;
cout << "Życie: " << p.zycie << " Życie przeciwnika: " << e.zycie << endl << endl;
if (p.zycie <= 0)
cout << "Zostałeś pokonany." << endl;
goto koniecwalki2;
walkaa += p.szybkosc;
} while (walkaa < 0);
goto walka;
cout << "Przegrana" << endl;
1>Others.cpp(202): error C2059: syntax error: '}'
202nd line is the last curly bracket at the end of this function. I don't know why I'm getting this error now. I had it earlier a few times but every time it was just random additional bracket which I had to remove.
The syntax error means that you have to use a null statement after the label
koniecwalki2: ;
That is it is a statement that can be labeled (in C++ declarations are also statements while in C declarations are not statements).
Take into account that it is a bad idea to use goto
statements. That makes the code difficult to read and modify.