I am in a middle of a process of upgrading our rails 4 app.
Following the rails upgrade guide, I have updated current rails version in a gemfile
replacing 4.2.10
with 5.0.0
But after running bundle update rails
, I am getting many incompatibility issues even after running 4.2.10
(with rails 4.2.10
) which should update all gems to the latest version.
Following are the compatibility errors I am getting after running bundle update rails
with rails 5.0.0
in a gemfile:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack":
In Gemfile:
active_link_to was resolved to 1.0.3, which depends on
active_model_serializers was resolved to 0.10.2, which depends on
actionpack (< 6, >= 4.1)
inherited_resources was resolved to 1.6.0, which depends on
actionpack (< 5, >= 3.2)
inherited_resources was resolved to 1.6.0, which depends on
actionpack (< 5, >= 3.2)
kaminari was resolved to 0.17.0, which depends on
actionpack (>= 3.0.0)
rails (= 5.0.0) was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on
actionpack (= 5.0.0)
rails (= 5.0.0) was resolved to 5.0.0, which depends on
actionpack (= 5.0.0)
rspec-rails (= 3.6.0) was resolved to 3.6.0, which depends on
actionpack (>= 3.0)
Finally after many trials & testing, I was able to run bundle install. Listing steps that I tried-
1. Create a new demo rails app using rails new
with rails 5
2. Remove existing Gemfile.lock
3. Remove all current gems: (I used for i in gem list --no-versions
; do gem uninstall -aIx $i; done command referenced from here.)
4. Replace existing Gemfile
with the new one that was generated from creating new rails 5
app. (assuming you'll be having a backup copy of existing Gemfile
5. Copy individual gems from old file to the new one.
6. Run bundle install
. (You should be having a :) after this execution.)
7. Run rails app:update
to continue with the upgrade process.