I am working on a multlayer third person game and I am using motion controller for animations and photon for network manager.I ahve a problem: when I connect and join the room the other players don't move on others player screen. They move only on their devices. Here is what I deactivated:
using UnityEngine;
using com.ootii.Input;
using com.ootii.Actors;
using com.ootii.Actors.AnimationControllers;
public class netView : Photon.MonoBehaviour {
public Camera cam;
public UnityInputSource uis;
public GameObject canvas;
public ActorController ac;
public MotionController mc;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
if (photonView.isMine) {
cam.enabled = true;
uis._IsEnabled = true;
canvas.active = true;
ac.enabled = true;
mc.enabled = true;
} else {
cam.enabled = false;
uis._IsEnabled = false;
canvas.active = false;
ac.enabled = false;
mc.enabled = false;
Here is a video: https://youtu.be/mOaAejsVX04 . In it i am playing in editor and on my phone. In my device I move around and the editor player does not move. Also in editor, the player from the device just stays there, doesn't move while on phone is moveing around. For input I am using CrossPlatformManager class. How can I repair it?
In your case I think the problem is that you don't synchronize the transform to begin with. You need either a PhotonTransformView Component attached to your network object, with a photonView observing that PhotonTransformView, or inside your network behaviour manually writing and reading to that network object stream.
I strongly encourage you do go through the basic tutorial which will show you all the above technique step by step:
it doesn't matter the input technique you use, what matters is the synchronization of the transform.