The following is an example of this pattern from
There are two examples, the crossed out main class and the main class that contains the data class.
My question is simply what is the difference between the following and the given correct implementation at the link:
public class MainClass {
private final <Type> attribute1;
private final <Type> attribute2;
private final <Type> attribute3;
public MainClass(<Type> attribute1, <Type> attribute2, <Type> attribute3 {
this.attribute1 = attribute1;
this.attribute2 = attribute2;
this.attribute3 = attribute3;
Your code here is not an example of that pattern. The crossed out model is what not to do.
You need a separate Java object to hold the attributes, and that page lists exactly why the pattern exists - to limit exposure of fields
And since this point
Main class must initialize data class through the data class's constructor
The data object can be declared as final