Hello i am trying to get simple xml file from server and to read the data so i can convert it to list. I was try few lib and code with no success so far. I am getting the xml content in one line without any tags <> and the count is always 0 zero. The XML string. I need to get the data that inside camp tag
<camp id="557">
<camp id="559">
<camp id="660">
And the c# code i am trying so far
XElement xelement = XElement.Load("http://example.com/test.xml");
var name = from nm in xelement.Elements("camp")
where (string)nm.Element("status") == "on"
select nm;
foreach (XElement xEle in name)
XElement.Elements() means search in children tags. I think what you need is Descendants()
or xelement.Element("campaigns").Element("campaignList").Elements("camp")