I am trying to get to the next level of understanding of the Qt library and qmake in particular. For that purpose I experiment with diffrent project configurations. Doing that I've stumbled upon the DEPLOYMENT variable (because of the autocomplete), which is not listed in the documentation of qmake. The search engines don't give me suitable results either. I am pretty sure there is a reason for that, but being a scientist I am used to not leaving a stone unturned. So it does bother me and I would like to find out what it is for. Is anyone familiar with this variable?
is used in Qt 4.8 to specify additional files to be deployed on Windows CE and the Symbian platform only:
This is only used on Windows CE and the Symbian platform.
Specifies which additional files will be deployed. Deployment means the transfer of files from the development system to the target device or emulator.