I found function CLIPS Validate Text Entry there and I want to extend it this way:
(deffunction ask-question (?mark ?question $?allowed-values)
(printout t ?question)
(bind ?answer (read))
(if (lexemep ?answer)
then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))
**(assert car-mark(name ?mark))**
) (while (not (member ?answer ?allowed-values)) do
(printout t ?question)
(bind ?answer (read))
(if (lexemep ?answer)
then (bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))
**(assert car-mark(name ?mark))**
) ?answer)
So, I plan to add new car-mark in my facts if user input yes/y - else - not to add facts. But clips gives the error:
[PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for RHS patterns.
(deffunction MAIN::ask-question
(?mark ?question $?allowed-values)
(printout t ?question)
(bind ?answer (read))
(if (lexemep ?answer)
(bind ?answer (lowcase ?answer))
(assert car-mark
There is my template for car-mark:
(deftemplate car-mark (slot name) )
How to correctly add new fact and consider user input (yes - add, no - no add)?
(assert (car-mark (name "foo")))