I've been working for a while to try to use the .uniq method to generate a unique list of URL's from a website (within the /informatics path). No matter what I try I get a method error when trying to generate the list. I'm sure it's a syntax issue, and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
Once I get the list I'm going to need to store these to a database via ActiveRecord, but I need the unique list before I get start to wrap my head around that.
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'active_record'
ARGV.each do |arg|
open(arg) do |f|
# Display connection data
puts "#"*25 + "\nConnection: '#{arg}'\n" + "#"*25
[:base_uri, :meta, :status, :charset, :content_encoding,
:content_type, :last_modified].each do |method|
puts "#{method.to_s}: #{f.send(method)}" if f.respond_to? method
# Display the href links
base_url = /^(.*\.nku\.edu)\//.match(f.base_uri.to_s)[1]
puts "base_url: #{base_url}"
Nokogiri::HTML(f).css('a').each do |anchor|
href = anchor['href']
# Make Unique
if href =~ /.*informatics/
puts href
#store stuff to active record
Replace the Nokogiri::HTML part to select only those href attributes that matches with /*.informatics/
and then you can use uniq, as it's already an array:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'active_record'
ARGV[0] = 'https://www.nku.edu/academics/informatics.html'
ARGV.each do |arg|
open(arg) do |f|
puts "#{'#' * 25} \nConnection: '#{arg}'\n #{'#' * 25}"
%i[base_uri meta status charset content_encoding, content_type last_modified].each do |method|
puts "#{method.to_s}: #{f.send(method)}" if f.respond_to? method
puts "base_url: #{/^(.*\.nku\.edu)\//.match(f.base_uri.to_s)[1]}"
anchors = Nokogiri::HTML(f).css('a').select { |anchor| anchor['href'] =~ /.*informatics/ }
puts anchors.map { |anchor| anchor['href'] }.uniq
See output.