I couldn't find anything up to date that solve this issue.
How can I monitor something like arrow key presses while editing an NSTextField
From what I looked up:
- NSControlTextEditingDelegate
functions are not called (and I wouldn't know how to use them)
- NSTextFieldDelegate
functions don't list something that would work here
Set your text field's delegate:
textField.delegate = self
Add the following inheritance for protocols:
class MyTextField : NSTextFieldDelegate, NSControlTextEditingDelegate { ...
And implement the following:
func control(_ control: NSControl, textView: NSTextView, doCommandBy commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool {
if commandSelector == #selector(moveUp(_:)) {
} else if commandSelector == #selector(moveDown(_:)) {
} else if commandSelector == #selector(insertNewline(_:)) {
return true
There are more in depth explanations in this link Recognize if user has pressed arrow key while editing NSTextField swift