I'm trying to check in my integration test if all of values from some specific property has the same type. I was trying to do it along with jsonPath and JsonPathResultMatchers but without success. Finally in I did something like this :
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(get("/weather/" + existingCity))
String responseContent = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
TypeRef<List<Object>> typeRef = new TypeRef<List<Object>>() {
List<Object> humidities = JsonPath.using(configuration).parse(responseContent).read("$.*.humidity", typeRef);
Assertions.assertThat(humidities.stream().allMatch(humidity -> humidity instanceof Integer)).isTrue();
But I wonder if exist some clearer way to do this, can the same result be achieved with JSONPath ? Or AssertJ has some method to find it without usage stream code
I personnaly would rather validate it against a JSON schema. There are Java validator implementations that could help you