Is it possible to use the ggridges
package to draw sets of bars instead of ridgelines, similar to geom_col()
I have data such as:
dt = tibble(
hr = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4),
fr = c(.1,.5,.9,.1,.4,.9,.9,.4),
gr = c('Mon','Mon','Mon','Mon','Sun','Sun','Sun','Sun')
The plot below gives me:
ggplot(dt, aes(x=hr, y=gr, height=fr)) +
geom_ridgeline() + ylab(NULL)
As you can see it draws a line connecting the values. What I am looking for instead are individual columns, as in this plot:
ggplot(dt, aes(x=hr, y=fr)) +
geom_col() + ylab(NULL) +
Here is a solution tracing out the individual bars.
dt = tibble(
hr = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4),
fr = c(.1,.5,.9,.1,.4,.9,.9,.4),
gr = c('Mon','Mon','Mon','Mon','Sun','Sun','Sun','Sun')
# function that turns an x, y pair into the shape of a bar of given width
make_bar <- function(x, y, width = 0.9) {
xoff <- width/2
data.frame(x = c(x-xoff*(1+2e-8), x-xoff*(1+1e-8), x-xoff, x+xoff, x+xoff*(1+1e-8), x+xoff*(1+2e-8)),
height = c(NA, 0, y, y, 0, NA))
# convert data table using make_bar function
dt %>%
mutate(bars = map2(hr, fr, ~make_bar(.x, .y))) %>%
unnest() -> dt_bars
ggplot(dt_bars, aes(x=x, y=gr, height=height)) +
geom_ridgeline() + ylab(NULL)