I have the function bellow called every 5 seconds to get data from the server, which is flask/python. My question is how can I adapt the getjson call to have callback when the data is successfully retrieved.
I know there's .done .fail and so on, but I was wondering if I can keep this structure and just add bellow it, but I don't know the syntax in this particular case, hope this isn't too confusing, thanks for reading, here's the code.
// get data from the server every getDataFromServerInterval milliseconds
var getDataFromServerInterval = 5000;
function getData(){
// request timesince table entries from server for user...
$.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_database', {
action: "getUserTable_timesince",
username: $('input[name="username"]').val()
}, function(data) { // do something with the response data
timesince_dataBuffer = data;
return false; // prevent get
// get data from the server every getDataFromServerInterval milliseconds
setInterval(getData, getDataFromServerInterval);
You could do something like this. Instead of processing the data in getData
or using a callback, take advantage of the promise that $.getJSON
returns. Have a separate function that is called by the timeout which calls for the data, then
processes it. It neatly separates your code out into more managable functions.
var getDataFromServerInterval = 5000;
function getData() {
return $.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_database', {
action: "getUserTable_timesince",
username: $('input[name="username"]').val()
function wrangleData() {
getData().then(function (data) {
setInterval(wrangleData, getDataFromServerInterval);