I want to save the active state of each individual gameobject so when you reload, the ones you collected won't be there anymore. My code :
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
public LevelManager levelManager;
public GameObject[] stardust; //array of stardust in level
public int isActive; //variable for amount of stardust collected
void Start()
isActive = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("stardust");
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("stardust"))
isActive = 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("stardust", isActive);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("score", levelManager.score);
void active()
if (isActive == 0) //if none are collected
for (int i = 0; i < stardust.Length; i++)
stardust[i].SetActive(true); //make all visible
if (isActive == 1) //first one collected
As you can see it sets all of the objects to inactive, how do I check for each one individually ?
I am using a single key in playerprefs for all stardust. Should I rather set a key for each stardust ?
I tried comparing each one by tag, under EventTrigger, with each their own method checking each and setting Active individually to no success
hi Curstin Visagie, it wont work with single key,the playerprefs values will be overwritten ,you have to create each key for each stardust.