I am stuck on using removeif java 8 and looking for some help
List<ACHTransaction> transactions = transactionDao.retrieveTransactions(getJobParameters();
from transactions I want to remove those transactions based on checking property of object
if transaction.getFileHash is not null then I want to remove that transaction. if transaction.getFileHash is null I want to keep it.
so I am trying removeif
List<ACHTransaction> transactions = transactionDao.retrieveTransactions(getJobParameters().removeIf(t -> (Optional.ofNullable(t.getFileHash()).orElse(0).intValue() != 0));
but I am getting errors. Is someone can explain how removeif work with object properties?
You can retrieve the list and then remove the elements with removeIf
List<ACHTransaction> transactions =
transactions.removeIf(t -> t.getFileHash() != null);
Or you can do as in your own answer and use a stream:
List<ACHTransaction> transactions =
.filter(t -> t.getFileHash() == null)