I want to filter a @word form a search string. A search string could be milk @company
. From that string I would use 'milk' as searchTerm and I need '@company' as another search param. So I can do the following: domain.com/?searchTerm=Milk&Producer=company
with an http request.
in my template:
<ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="searchTerm" (ionInput)="searchResults(searchTerm)" [placeholder]="search" ></ion-searchbar>
the searchResult function:
searchResults() {
let searchterm = this.searchTerm;
let producer = // how filter @word? from this.searchTerm string
this.searchProduct(searchTerm, producer).then(
data => {
the call to the api provider:
public searchProduct(product,producer){
var sendUrl = `http://example.com/?searchTerm=${product}$producer=${producer}`;
this.http.get( sendUrl, { headers: new Headers(HEADER.default) })
.map(res => res.json())
.subscribe(data => {
You can simply use the string split method and use the ‘@‘ as the separator character
const searchWords = this.searchTerm.split(‘@‘)
This should give you an array with the words.