I've used this script to make it possible to turn on and off my audio. However, as I don't have an option to click and loop my song on my timeline. When this song ends, it doesn't play again.
I would like to know if I can add something to this script to make my song loop after it ends.
I've found this and have tried ...
createjs.Sound.play("soundId", {loop:-1});
But it doesn't work!
I'm working on html5 canvas on Adobe Animate!
I'm using this script, it works:
createjs.Sound.on("fileload", function handleLoad(event) {
root.audio = createjs.Sound.play("soundID");
createjs.Sound.registerSound("sounds/myaudio.mp3", "soundID");
//this.audio1.paused = true; // pause
//this.audio1.paused = false; // resume
this.onOff_btn.on("click", function(){
if(root.audio.paused) {
root.audio.paused = false; // resume
} else {
root.audio.paused = true; // pause
Thank you in advance!
If anyone is wondering how to do this, I found a way to make it work!
Here it is:
createjs.Sound.on("fileload", handleLoad);
createjs.Sound.registerSound("sounds/youraudio.mp3", "myID", 3);
function handleLoad(event) {
// store off AbstractSoundInstance for controlling
var myInstance = createjs.Sound.play("myID", {interrupt: createjs.Sound.INTERRUPT_ANY, loop:-1});
//this.audio1.paused = true; // pause
//this.audio1.paused = false; // resume
this.onOff_btn.on("click", function (evt) {
v = createjs.Sound.getVolume();
if (v < 0.5) {
} else {
It loads your audio, loops it and has a button on which you click to make it play or pause! Thanks to everyone who have tried to help!