I have created a JFreeChart image and am having trouble positioning it. The lower left corner of the image is placed on the lower left corner of the page.
Rectangle page=writer.getPageSize();
// swap X and Y for Landscape dimensions
float sizeX=page.getHeight();
float sizeY=page.getWidth();
float scale=.7f;
float marginY=10.f;
float marginX=50.f;
PdfContentByte cb=writer.getDirectContent();
PdfTemplate tp=cb.createTemplate(sizeX*scale+1,sizeY*scale+1);
PdfGraphics2D g2d=new PdfGraphics2D(tp,sizeX*scale+1,sizeY*scale+1);
Chart.getInstance().getChart().draw(g2d, new java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float(0,0,sizeX*scale,sizeY*scale));
Image image=Image.getInstance(tp);
image.setAbsolutePosition(marginX, sizeY-350.f);
I would like the upper left corner of the image to be placed at the current cursor position. What am I doing wrong? TIA.
You create the PdfGraphics2D
for the direct page content cb
, not the template tp
PdfGraphics2D g2d=new PdfGraphics2D(cb,sizeX*scale+1,sizeY*scale+1);
Thus, the chart is directly drawn into cb
and your handling of tp
does not matter at all!
You should, therefore, initialize PdfGraphics2D
with the template tp
PdfGraphics2D g2d=new PdfGraphics2D(tp,sizeX*scale+1,sizeY*scale+1);
Furthermore you add tp
to the page twice, first to its direct content
and then wrapped in an Image
instance to its Document document
Image image=Image.getInstance(tp);
image.setAbsolutePosition(marginX, sizeY-marginY);
Obviously you should add it but once.